Monday, July 28, 2008

Stupid Fat Cow....

The title of my post is from my little brother...when he was little, he was angry, really angry with my youngest sister because she had hurt his feelings and he calmly tossed out the worst insult he could think of...If it fits the crime...I say use it!

Special warning...this is not a happy may want to move on for sunshine and rainbows...I am fresh out, until I make it right with Jesus.

My grandmother, who is 91, is in the hospital, she fell again trying to do more than she should, only this time she hurt herself badly. She fractured a disc in her spine and she has been in excruciating pain, she has dementia and she is hard of hearing.
Yesterday, I ran into the Stupid Fat Cow of all nurses and now I have a face to attach to Pray for thine enemies...

Now granted it could be my sparkling personality that caused this, but that is subjective, so let's just stick to the facts or rather my facts since this is Ronda's Rants!

I got to the hospital at 8:30am to relieve my exhausted Aunt...Granny is on pain medication and we think she may have had an anxiety attack due to withdrawals from the pain medication...she can't handle the pain and she doesn't seem to be able to handle lessening her dosage. Anyway, not a lot of sleep had transpired for either of them...
Here's where I pick up...My Mother said "Do not try to take her to bathroom by yourself ....always call a nurse or a tech but not by yourself!" So, Granny is sitting up and wants to go to bathroom...I call and nice young man comes and helps us. The Stupid Fat Cow (nurse) comes in later and asks Granny (hard of hearing Granny, who has dementia) if she had a BM." WHAT?" Granny says...Stupid Fat Cow says it again...I answer from behind her, That yes, she did have a BM...and Stupid Fat Cow turns around as if looking at a cockroach and then turns back around and looks at my grandmother and says..."Did you get a sample?" I am thinking...well I am not going to say what I am thinking.
Granny is still yelling... "WHAT...YOU HAVE TO SPEAK UP....I AM HARD OF HEARING!"
"No, I didn't get a sample" but I did call the tech and he helped Granny" I added.
Stupid Fat Cow still looking at Granny says..."They have 10 patients to look after"
"Really?" I say..."Well, if I need to do a job...maybe, I can have a little bit of training..."
That little smart ass remark I made...cost my grandmother, big time! This nurse left the room and then a tech came in and said she was there for Granny's bath...Granny said she had to go to the bathroom...I am thinking this worked out great...good timing Granny! But, no..... tech disappears and doesn't come back and we wait a full five minutes. Granny starts to ask "Ronda, where is she? I am going to go." Still, no one and finally, I pull a Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment and run into the hallway...Stupid Fat Cow and Tech are standing in the hall way talking....I yell, in a hospital...."My granny needs help now!" but, it was too late Granny was crying and had urinated all over the floor.
This is the women who all my life has loved me and has just been the best Grandmother anyone could ever have...I tell her it's okay and a man comes in to help her to the bathroom...she is telling this man how sorry she is and not to worry about it that her granddaughter will clean it up (which I did, because I understand this would be a further humiliation to Granny) But, I would have loved, dearly loved to have made Stupid Fat Cow do it!
To these two women my grandmother is just an old women who repeats herself and requires a lot of attention...really, just a nuisance!
But, this women has been the heart and soul of our family and it is breaking all of hearts to lose her and especially in this way.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone, not even... Mine enemy.
I really do need to spend the day in prayer.


LoLo said...

I am very sorry you are having to go through this. Unfortunately there are a few of these at every hospital..this happened to us at the hospital that my grandfather worked at for over thirty years. The hospital can be one of the most frustrating places to be in. I hope that you have better luck with the nurses..there still are some that love their job.

Ronda's Rants said...

I know my very beat friend is a nurse and the finest human being on the planet...but bad apples are in every occupation. I am sure she has an opinion but this is mine. She can blog about me on her Stupid Fat Cow blog

Ronda's Rants said...

I mean best friend...I am sure she can carry a beat....

LoLo said...

yeah, it is just a shame to me that not everyone can love their job..I mean why do it if you are going to be bitter and not have patience for every single patient you have. I probably should blog on this too:) I hope your day has gotten better! Love you

Jennifer said...

oh ronda--I'm so sorry about your grandma. I hope things get better for her at the hospital. I dealt w/ similar run-ins with my dad when he was sick--it's so frustrating and heartbreaking. I'm be thinking of your grandma!

Rhonda said...

I work in health care myself (although not a nurse) and I firmly believe that once you lose your empathy, it's time to get out. Clearly, Stupid Fat Cow's time is up and she needs to move on. They need to treat patient's as they would have their own family members treated!
Stupid Fat Cow. I hope you talk to patient relations about her. Seriously. She needs to be reprimanded for her treatment of your Granny, and who knows who else she is mistreating!

PS. I know this is a terrible time for you, but I really did have a chuckle over your comment at my blog. (But it only lasted until I got here and started reading yours!)

Ronda's Rants said...

You may laugh! Granny and I actually were laughing before I left...laughter is the best medicine! I am just venting...But, she is still a stupid fat cow!

Nic said...

You rant away hon, that sounds atrocious, I really thought it was only in the UK you got that sort of...'care'. Some people LOVE a little bit of power, unfortunately it seems to make them utterly lose any empathy...why be a nurse if this is how you feel? Prayers for you all in a difficult time.

When you feel like it pop over to my blog, got sometihng for ya ;-) xx

Brenda said...

Is Granny at BRH? My grandmother was there in June for a week and we had some run-ins with a similar BFC. The best is when food service leaves the meal tray across the room and no one comes to help move it closer - no matter how many times you call!
On the flip side, we also had exceptional nurses, so I am definitely not bashing the medical community!
Hope your Granny is feeling more comfortable soon! Sending love & prayers your way!

KWolfAK said...

I'm so sorry that you and Granny had to go through that. Some people should just not be nurses.

Karyn said...

I think you should cut and paste your blog on to a piece of paper (minus SFC) and send to hospital administrator. BRH has a customer care something or another, if Granny is there, maybe you could send to that person.
Praying hard for Granny. xo

Ronda's Rants said...

She is at Plant City...I wrote everything down in the journal we keep at the hospital including Stupid Fat Cow's real name. It is up to my Mom and Aunt to decide whether to report her. She was extremely careful the rest of the day with me so....that's where it is for now.