I am either a vegan or a vegetarian...I am not sure...I am trying to work it out though...as it seems important to have a label! I like vegetables, nuts, grains, beans and fruits and I have found that I just don't enjoy meat that much anymore. There are other reasons why but I hate to get into them as others seem to really take this personally...like I am making a statement about their choice which I am not. My Hubby is a meat eater as are all of my children...in fact... I only know one other vegetarian and she lives far away from me!! My Dad, in particular is concerned about my health! Or, the economy...what if everyone did this? What indeed?
I rarely bring it up (yeah, I know I just did) but when we eat out people seem to notice my meatless plate and take it personally! I am not talking about how they cooked the meal and invited me over because I would just eat it...No, I am talking about how we are all out and I am paying my own way and...they want to know "Why aren't you eating meat?" It's like it's un-American! Y'know like I am missing my flag lapel pin or something! I know I will still cook a Turkey on Thanksgiving and I will still do a Sunday Pot-roast because my kids love it but I just don't feel like eating it anymore...
Don't worry I'll keep shaving my arm pits, coloring my hair and wearing a bra, an industrial strength bra!
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I wish i could eat this way...but every now and then i sure love me a Medium steak
My brother was a vegetarian for many years. It's just a choice about what you will and will not eat. I hate, HATE mushrooms. That's me. I won't go near oysters, although I have never tried one. That's me. I would devour a medium rare steak like a caveman. Again, me.
People need to lighten up. Eat what you want and tell others to lay off.
:) But again, that's just me. lol
Oh, and I answered your 'frosher' question in my comments section.
That's what I say! Plus that's more for me to eat. Honestly though, I went thru the same thing and really never wanted any meat. It passed and now I am an all around pig. mmmmmm pig.......mmmmm
i think it's great that you aren't eating meat! i am happy to know, though, that you will still cook a turkey on thanksgiving and still cook (my favorite) pot roast! :) love you and promise never to give you a hard time about it!
I did not know that about you!
I think it's great youre a vegetarian (or vegan)!! I wish I could do it--and maybe someday I will. I know it's a much healthier lifestyle.
And thanks for your comments on my trapeze adventure! I thought you would be proud of me!!
People shouldn't act like that. I won't eat brussel sprouts... no one gives me crap about that...
HAHAHA...yes, for God sakes....please keep shaving your pits!
Uh, if anyone asks you why you aren't eating meat....tell them is because you like stupid people asking you stupid questions....its none of their business.
I still eat meat, but find myself enjoying it less and less too....except for chicken. I'm a chickatarian apparently.
Oh, that makes me very sad. No more meat! My hubby is a cattle man! EAT MORE BEEF! IT'S WHATS FOR DINNER!
Well, feeling your pain here because with my hubby doing a radical diet, we often are meatless. In fact, we are often RAWists which is really weird, especially in the midwest where gross, slimy chili (NOT southern style for sure) piled on a hotdog laden with preservatives is considered gourmet.
You are a vegan if you exclude ALL animal byproducts, even including honey b/c it comes from bees.
Vegetarians are in the group of nothing but veggies or allowing some egg and dairy, there's a whole subgroup of vegetarians.
What really irks me is how there are seldom any dishes on the menu of most of the chain restaurants that are true vegetarian. It's especially hard for my husband, who has chosen this radical way of eating to fight a disease, not because he hates meat- the man LOVES a good steak- but he'd prefer to stay alive and be healthy than ever eat a steak again if that's what it takes.
And in spite of THAT we get "attitudes".
Now that really gets me.
And it comes from some pretty surprising sources, too.
p.s. listen to what your body is saying.
If you aren't feeling like eating meat, there may be a reason, and maybe your body is needing more fruits and vegetables for a cleansing time or something.
Our bodies WILL "talk" to us if we'll tune in to them.
I really do feel like you are right Gina...I just am feeling better...less sluggish! I think the big thing is it has lowered my salt intake and increased my fiber intake. I think I was eating meat not because it was what I wanted but because i felt like I should have meat because you do! I haven't lost any weight but I do feel better!
I changed my diet completely not long ago (no sugar, white flour, or diet soda - YIKES!)... I'd love to go veg, but I crave meat sometimes (gargantuan cravings!). I don't eat as much as I used to, though, and like you, I feel less sluggish.
Oh, and to answer your question, London is for fun :). I was born in the UK and have family and friends there, so I try to go a couple of times a year to get my Brit-fix... I'd live there if I could afford it! :)
I am not a big meat eater either. Some people just need to pay attention what is on their plate and keep their mouths shut, especially when they chew. *ILCW*
I am always amazed by people who do not eat meat. I am the opposite...I don't eat any veggies...I know that is sooo bad...I'm working on getting better.
No...it's fine if that is what you like...My youngest son only eats meat and potatoes! I wished he would eat more veggies but he doesn't really like them either!
Whew...had me worried about the arm pits there for a minute;)
Thanks for stopping by. And by all means spread the Nyx.
i say eat what ya want,im not a big meat eater myself,i do enjoy a sunday roast at mummas of course,hers r the best!i couldnt even remember the last time i bought a joint of meat or even a chicken?ive always been funny with food some may say fussy,i say i just listen to my body!!!!i love white fish though,i eat it alot!!!n i couldnt give up bacon sandwiches for anything!!!lol.ive never in my life eaten eggs,untill a few weeks ago,i thought i shall try them scrambled with some milk n you know what i flipping loved it,also ive never like prawns lol n guess what i love them now! each to there own,listen to ya body n eat accordingly!!!
dang..you must hang with some hardcore meat eaters!! I have a bil/sil who are vegan--it's not been a real big deal in our family!
Giving up meat completly is something I just can't do...although I buy as much organic/farm raised meat as possibel...
I just want to say thanks about the armpits and bra...I remember the "hippies" and that was just gross...lol.
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