***My Daughter made me change my title as...I quoted the movie line wrong!!!***
My Grandson is fearless...well almost fearless and he is only three! I have admired this quality about him for awhile now. He is inquisitive, energetic and fearless...the trifecta of terror for Mommas... luckily his Mommy is fearless, too.
Recently, he asked that we spend an evening together, he, his sister, Gigi and Papa. So...I said " What would you like to do?" His answer was "I want to go to McDonald's!" No surprise there...not only does it have food he likes, but a built in play area and a lady who works there that loves him! He has the hook- up on toys...she gives him little bags filled with Happy Meal toys...every time she sees him! ( I have some serious competition from that little lady) My grandson then surprised me with..."I want to go to Walgreen's!" "Walgreen's?" I say..."Okay" I said.
The little grandson said after Walgreen's he wanted to go to my house to feed the dogs, cats and fish! He likes to feed our two dogs and two cats and then we go outside and sit by the lake and throw hunks of bread to the cat-fish!
I loved his choice for our evening but the Walgreen's was a bit surprising!
So...after we finished up a wonderful time at our favorite restaurant McDonald's , topped off our supper with a fine desert of after dinner coffee(me) and ice cream and hot apple pie (them...okay and me) the Grandson announced "Let's go to Walgreen's!" My Hubby and I just smiled and said "Okay!" We were happy to take him there just perplexed by his choice.
We get to Walgreen's and my Grandson's face gets a little serious...I am really confused..."I thought this is where you wanted to come ?" I ask.
"I do" he answers solemnly.
He walks slowly looking down aisles as he goes...pausing until he reaches what he is looking for...
we stop and my Grandson looks down the long aisle and then up at me...
"We don't have to go down there..." I start to say and He says..."Let's go Gigi" and we don't run away which would indicate this child has some of my DNA...no we start the long walk down the Halloween Aisle!
Picture a Halloween aisle in Walgreen's with all those battery operated freaky, scary little beings!
My grandson goes up to a Cobra and puts his hand out and pulls it away at least five times. I say "Sweetie, lets go to the toy aisle" which the grand daughter even at 16 months understands and frankly would rather do!
The grandson wouldn't leave...he was determined to push every button of every scary little being he could find on that aisle! I couldn't watch...I left with the Grand daughter so at least both of them would not keep their Mother up all night with nightmares!
My Hubby said that the Grandson touched each one...starting with the cobra who as you push the button... strikes at your hand and ending with this witch who when you push her button she pulls her head from the top of her body until she appears headless! My Hubby said at each one...he would recite the mantra...
"It's only pretend...It's only pretend...It's only pretend!"
He walked the whole aisle, trying each thing twice or more and when he felt like he conquered it...
"He announced..."Okay, let's go feed the dogs!"
I am in awe of this little boy and I wish I was as able to face my fears as bravely as he does!
Mariah at Insane Mama is having a give-away at Halloween...Check it out!!
My Grandson is fearless...well almost fearless and he is only three! I have admired this quality about him for awhile now. He is inquisitive, energetic and fearless...the trifecta of terror for Mommas... luckily his Mommy is fearless, too.
Recently, he asked that we spend an evening together, he, his sister, Gigi and Papa. So...I said " What would you like to do?" His answer was "I want to go to McDonald's!" No surprise there...not only does it have food he likes, but a built in play area and a lady who works there that loves him! He has the hook- up on toys...she gives him little bags filled with Happy Meal toys...every time she sees him! ( I have some serious competition from that little lady) My grandson then surprised me with..."I want to go to Walgreen's!" "Walgreen's?" I say..."Okay" I said.
The little grandson said after Walgreen's he wanted to go to my house to feed the dogs, cats and fish! He likes to feed our two dogs and two cats and then we go outside and sit by the lake and throw hunks of bread to the cat-fish!
I loved his choice for our evening but the Walgreen's was a bit surprising!
So...after we finished up a wonderful time at our favorite restaurant McDonald's , topped off our supper with a fine desert of after dinner coffee(me) and ice cream and hot apple pie (them...okay and me) the Grandson announced "Let's go to Walgreen's!" My Hubby and I just smiled and said "Okay!" We were happy to take him there just perplexed by his choice.
We get to Walgreen's and my Grandson's face gets a little serious...I am really confused..."I thought this is where you wanted to come ?" I ask.
"I do" he answers solemnly.
He walks slowly looking down aisles as he goes...pausing until he reaches what he is looking for...
we stop and my Grandson looks down the long aisle and then up at me...
"We don't have to go down there..." I start to say and He says..."Let's go Gigi" and we don't run away which would indicate this child has some of my DNA...no we start the long walk down the Halloween Aisle!
Picture a Halloween aisle in Walgreen's with all those battery operated freaky, scary little beings!
My grandson goes up to a Cobra and puts his hand out and pulls it away at least five times. I say "Sweetie, lets go to the toy aisle" which the grand daughter even at 16 months understands and frankly would rather do!
The grandson wouldn't leave...he was determined to push every button of every scary little being he could find on that aisle! I couldn't watch...I left with the Grand daughter so at least both of them would not keep their Mother up all night with nightmares!
My Hubby said that the Grandson touched each one...starting with the cobra who as you push the button... strikes at your hand and ending with this witch who when you push her button she pulls her head from the top of her body until she appears headless! My Hubby said at each one...he would recite the mantra...
"It's only pretend...It's only pretend...It's only pretend!"
He walked the whole aisle, trying each thing twice or more and when he felt like he conquered it...
"He announced..."Okay, let's go feed the dogs!"
I am in awe of this little boy and I wish I was as able to face my fears as bravely as he does!
Mariah at Insane Mama is having a give-away at Halloween...Check it out!!
I think I may have already told you, but we are Gigi and PaPa, too. Kids are so funny!! Grayson is the same way. Doesn't really want to see scary stuff, but just can't help himself.
He's learned already to face his fears! He'll be a super rich motivational speaker, or a shrink, for sure!!! lol
oh my goodness! I guess we can all learn something from him! It is just pretend:)
I know adults who are not as brave. Good for him. You know, sometimes as we get older, we grow more frightened by things. Maybe because of our own understanding of mortality. He is certainly a brave kid. Face your fears!
Have a great day.
My kids love Walgreen's too! And, I guess, so do I...I'm there so often it's like my second home!
My littelest ones have a love/hate w/ the Halloween aisle--I was there the other day and there were these super-creepy zombie things that cackled and turned their heads around Exorcist-style.
Pickle kept asking me to press the button "Again! Again!" But then she would kind of hide her eyes and peek at them.
I'm impressed w/ your grandson's evening plans! And how cool he has a "connection" at McD's!!
That isle freaks ME out...
THat's quite a young man you have there, Gigi :)
That is so cute! Sounds like something my boys would do. I also wanted to tell you I nominated you for a blog award!
Oh I don't like scary creepy things either. But my boys sure do. Anything to torment mom ya know.
My kids made me go to the Halloween boutique last weekend. I have to admit it was pretty fun. I only screamed twice.
so, i'm sitting here crying after reading your story about my big, brave boy. he blows me away everyday with his compassion, knowledge, excitement and sensitivity to God. we are so blessed. i couldn't imagine our lives without him. thanks for sharing this story about him! (i have another amazing story about him i must share with you...it's definitely blog-able!!)
Oh, bless his heart! My daughter was fearless, too, until she was about his age and we walked past a life-sized (to her) Frankenstein, which moved and spoke... scared the bejeebies out of her and she was ruined for Halloween forever. She's 9 and STILL won't go down that aisle (of course, I have to go down it saying, "It's only pretend... it's only pretend" too ;) What a great story! Thanks for sharing!!
Isn't is amazing how much they WANT to conquer their fears? I think we as asults could learn a lot from him! Or at least I could!
What an adorable little man. I so miss that kind of stuff with my kids. You have brought back great memories.
What I find fascinating is the fact that you and your husband were able to tune into exactly what was was going on WHILE it was happening. I'm ashamed of myself for I would have mis-read the situation and said "Well, do you WANT it or NOT?" Arghh
Hi Dana,
what's helpful is he is very verbal and can carry on quite a good conversation with anyone...adult or toddler! I know I am biased but he is brilliant!
Wow! He might be braver than I am.
I took Z to party city the other day to get balloons and when he saw all the Halloween decorations he froze. I had to hurry past them....
That is really a curious thing. I too am facinated at how he is able to do that! I was afraid of everything as a child and my parents could not talk be into or out of it. He has an internal strength of character that motivates him and leads him through is my guess. Curious about what else he is afraid of.
I have to say that Walgreens really has some scary Halloween decorations this year!
Wow Grandson is sooo smart! What a great memory he made with you.
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