For those of you who asked for a Bloggy Book Club button my very talented daughter created this one...I like it! I love books, coffee and blogging! They are all in this button!
***Note...Hubby was not happy that I did not say he should be in the button...that goes without saying that not everything I need is in this button*** (back to regular programming)
My daughter was a marketing coordinator for a company out of St. Pete, Florida and she had lot's of opportunities for travel and one of those times...she even took her mother to Dublin, Ireland.
My daughter left that position to teach middle school English and she loved it...I say loved it because due to decreased enrollment numbers she lost her teaching position. She was really sad...but she has come to work with us in our business! It is a joy having her with us. So, now my office has company in it and it is great having her with us! My daughter, Rachel Marie created my Bloggy Book Club Button...I hope you like it! I am still having two Give-aways...here and here!
Ronda I love--books, coffee and reading blogs...my blogging is so lame yet I do enjoy getting things of my chest!
How cool is that, that you have your daughter working with you! So sorry she lost her teaching job yet as the saying goes...when a door closes, God opens a window...hmmmmm or is it another door, anyway you know what I mean.
Love the button she designed!
Hey if you two are lonely I could use a job too! :-) Telecommuter anyone?
Books rule!
Wow! She is very talented! And I wish I had time to read....
Carey...I do love working with her...Lauren...you would hate working with two liberal Democrats...you know that!
Jill, I am made a pledge to do more of the things I enjoy...reading is one of those things!
Button is awesome. She did a wonderful job.
How did I miss the giveaways. Hmmm?
Ok so I'm off to see what that's all about.
Wow - very talented she is! I like books and blogging and coffee when it's cold out...
Love the button :). I prefer tea with my books and I'm fighting the urge now to make a cup, curl up on the couch, and have a good long read. It's cold and gloomy out... perfect tea (or coffee) and book weather! But I need to work. Of course, clearly, given that I'm here chatting with you, I'm getting very little done. I'm really not self-directed enough to work from home, unsupervised. I'm self-directed enough to do bloggy stuff 12 hours a day, though. Maybe I could get a job blogging...? Geez... enough... shut up, Diane. Back to work. Sigh.
I love the button!!! I might join your bloggy book club when you start the next book....things are kind of hectic right now and all I want to do in my downtime is sleep right now. ;) But I do love curling up with a good book, a warm blanket and warm cup of creamer with a little bit of coffee...or hot chocolate or cappucino....
awww gee, you're making me blush. thanks mom :) I have enjoyed being distracted from work to contribute to your blogging lifestyle....PERHAPS I'll start my own one day. I know, I know...you're on the edge of your seat now!
The button is perfect!! Should be very easy to start a button business..... I need one... how much do you charge? Could I perhaps be your first customer, hmm, depends on the price.
I would send you my application but you already know I carry a gun....cest le' vie
i bet its really fun to have your daughter with you every day. I bet you have lots of good laughs together. Cheers! ICLW.
Reading is great and how cool to now have your own button! yeah!!!
And personnally, too cool to work with your daughter. Too bad for sure about her teaching job. I wish you both well in the new arrangements.
Have a great day!
How nice to be working w/ your daughter--taht's got to be fun for both of you! She makes a nice button too!
Our girl is the Smartest! Love the button.
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