Sunday, May 30, 2010

Less is More...but More of What?

For awhile now my Hubby and I have adopted a "Less is More" philosophy and for the most part we have enjoyed these changes. But, these choices have given us challenges, disappointments and CHANGES to our lives. C.H.A.N.G.E.S to your life does not necessarily result in happiness.

We thought we would be happy because it would be a more simple life which would result in happy!
Those changes did not make us happy nor was it fact sometimes it was just complicated and time consuming.

We had thought " happy" would result from our choice to have one car...One car is less than two cars, so, less is more, more happiness...

I did ride the "smug train" for a year, not literally but metaphorically. I wish Florida did have a commuter train, smug or otherwise as I would ride it and it would be a step up for Florida's public transit! Alas, Florida does not have a "smug train"...

But, we are now on four years of my Hubby and I sharing a car. While I know we have saved on expenses, gas, and have lowered our carbon foot print...these choices while not impossible to make have not resulted in a simple life but rather a complicated set of planning and rethinking of our values and how we live our lives!

It has also resulted in one of us being stranded places for longer than we anticipated, missed appointments, late appointments and the knowledge we as grown ups don't share all that well!

The Less is More philosophy has caused us to make some really hard decisions and that has resulted in us making difficult choices in other parts of our lives, as well. Which did not make us happy! So, not happy in fact we wavered on our decision to keep doing the Less is More. It's really hard, even for grown ups NOT to just go along with the crowd... I used to love having the latest fashion but I am not living that life style anymore...

I know, bigger is not better, brand new is not better...More of more does not make you happy!
So, these days, you will find me wearing last year's dress, sitting in the passenger side of my six year old car and going to a church that feeds the homeless on Sunday mornings!
My happiness is not based on things but rather on how God can use me and that is my ministry...and really most days...I am happy!


Kori said...

I like the idea of less is more, and in fact practive less is more almost daily, but not by choise-which instead just makes me want more. So hard to do, isn't it all?

Ronda's Rants said...

We started this four years ago as a way to just be mindful of our choices including how we spent money.We read a book called Everything must Change and it really affected how we feel about what we buy and who we buy from and because of that it does become stressful sometimes. As far as having two cars it may come to that as we no longer work together and soon our commute won't even be close to each other. But, I no longer "shop" for happiness as I used to...but it is a daily struggle sometimes, I am ashamed to say. I am a work in progress.

Beth Ann said...

Hi hon!
Remember we ALL are 'works in progress'! No one is perfect! That is the reason why we have give us another chance to do better!
Im very proud of you that you have made it through 1 car for 4 years! WOW! That is MOST impressive!!
Keep on being the great gal you are!

Pastor Tim said...

I'm sorry to complicate your lives so much by asking you to read that book, but I'm glad it made more of us think harder about all of our actions and our values. We have the same complications, and would rather go to one car, but we just can't with my pastoral needs and Kelly's mothering needs. It's not easy, and it is very inconvenient. Kudos for you for taking it all seriously and trying! Love you guys and miss you both!

Ronda's Rants said...

We will always be grateful to you and we miss you more than words can express!

Roshni said...

That was really honest and heartfelt!