Monday, August 13, 2012


We are moving. Again. These past three years have been such a time of up-in-the-air "ness"! We closed our business, I accepted a job with an RV company while the Hubby looked for a almost two year process which eventually turned him in the direction of Virginia. This created a six month separation for us. He, living and working in Virginia and me, living and working in Florida. Both of us living in temporary housing thanks to family and friends! After the nearly six months we realized that while we love Florida...its economy would not recover soon and we who are already in our 50's weren't ready or prepared to retire. Hubby loves the company that he works for and while I loved the company in Florida I worked for...I missed  Hubby! So...up to Virginia I moved! I miss working and being a part of a dynamic company but I also love to travel to Florida OFTEN to visit grandchildren. How to connect the two? I sell products for Thirty-one...which has encouraged me to meet new people!

We are in the process of moving into a charming rental for about three years while the Hubby builds on beautiful property that has been in his family for generations! He wants and needs to build it, we feel a three year period is appropriate. Long...but appropriate.

I have been blogging for a little over four years...tapering off as life got busy and challenging.Life changes and moves on... I have changed and moved on. Ronda's Rants will too!  I think as we build and  I adapt to our new lives here this will be my place to document those changes for friends and family who care. I hope to discuss the differences between Floridians and a loving and respectful way.

I have recently become disenchanted with facebook as it has become a place where some feel that rather than connecting with old is a place to bombard others with your political or social opinions. To be honest...I have felt that way at times, too but lately there has been such a mean-spirited tone. I am already sad and homesick.and  I look to my Christian friends to give me "The Good News" and to my non- Christian friends for just simple courtesy. Perhaps after the election things will improve. This blog will be my outlet and a place for me to connect as it was so long ago...A place for me to political agenda... occasionally a Rant about life, weather and decorating dilemma or two and sometimes a Rave about the Cutest-Kids-in-the-Universe!

As I take my break from facebook...I am pondering this scripture...

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2


CampingGrammy18 said...

Ronda, try this one. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23a).
Once people see this fruit in our lives, they are very likely to know about the seed of faith inside us; but the self-control is sometimes the hardest as we wind ourselves through the lives of others.

Ronda's Rants said...

Excellent suggestion...My next week's Pondering scripture! Thank you!